The creator of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Dr. Francine Shapiro, founded The EMDR Institute in 1990. You can learn more about the Dr. Francine Shapiro as well as the intricacies and history of EMDR by following the button below.
EMDR is a very unique intervention with specific steps that are repeated in session until the receiving person is no longer disturbed by a triggering memory. The process is faster than people think (if those people have little or no experience with EMDR). People seeking EMDR are very interested in the unique process, so, before using the step by step process to work towards the receiving person’s goals, I will introduce them to the steps by guiding them to a safe/calm state using some of the movements they’ll experience in future sessions.
The acronym stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. I know the “Eye Movement” aspect of EMDR sounds a little odd (hokey, even). Honestly, I understand that thought. However, with a little context, it can quickly make sense - the “Eye Movement” aspect of EMDR is just one of the methods therapists can use to engage both sides of the brain while desensitizing and reprocessing occurs. Actually, we think, the “Eye Movement” in EMDR mimics the natural and very necessary actions of REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement sleep). Today, there are other methods therapists can use to stimulate both sides of the brain in place of (or in combination with) the “Eye Movement" aspect of EMDR. The name just hasn’t been updated since the modality was originally created.
The name aside, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is one of the most foremost and leading treatments for trauma in the world. This treatment has been around for almost 40 years and is one of the most researched trauma treatment modalities available.
Follow this link if you would like to see my clinical listing, and confirmation of my EMDR training, or to search for another counselor trained in EMDR (nationwide).
In this video, you will see clips of Prince Harry participating in an Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing telehealth session with his counselor. In Prince Harry’s session, his counselor uses a simulation method called “tapping.” You’ll also notice, while Prince Harry taps with his eyes closed, his eyes move from side to side behind his eyelids. This is an example of a counselor using eye movement in combination with an alternative simulation. Since my practice is fully telehealth, I have found the tapping method more practical and very effective with my EMDR clients. What you see in these clips, is very similar to my clients’ experiences.
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